
Welcome to the South Region website of the Riding for the Disabled Association

Updated on 22nd July 2024


First Aid Course spaces!

South Bucks RDA has three spaces avaialable on a first aid course being held at South Bucks on 24th July.

If anyone is interested please text Theresa Drake on 07951431085

National Championships

National Championships was an amazing event and the results are now in! Click here to see how the South Region Riders did! Photos will follow shortly.

Safeguarding and First Aid Training

Romsey Group are looking for a Safeguarding course that some of their volunteers can attend. Are any groups in the region running any that some members would be able to attend?

Similary, Wyfold group are looking for a First Aid course to send a few of their members to.

Please contact [email protected] if you have any spaces!

South Region Qualifier

The South Region Qualifier was a great success and the results are now available under the South Region Qualifier heading at the bottom of the page.

Annual South Region Magazine!

Issue 16 of South Region News is out and available under the News menu

Safeguarding Courses
Do you need to update your safeguarding training? There is a schedule of virtual course dates from January to June 2024 available to book here: Events (myrda.org.uk)
Courses are free for RDA volunteers and coaches to attend. Places are limited, so please book on in advance. If you are subsequently unable to attend, email National Office to cancel your place.